Contact: neil@neilfwyatt.com

Swan Song
'Swan Song'
Oil and acrylic on canvas
H187cm x W126cm

25 000 or $US



Oil and acrylic on canvas
H187cm x W96cm

20 000 or $US

'Swan Song'and 'Voyeur’artwork

can be viewed at the
XIVth Florence Biennale

Fortezza da Basso (Florence, Italy),
from 14 to 22
October 2023



One of my private collection works now for sale.

Oil and acrylic on canvas
H127cm x W187cm

18 000 or $US



"The moment before a cataclysmic event is said to be preceded by a deafening silence.
In this painting I have endeavored to create an exaggerated sense of space and grandeur, giving the viewer the feeling the subject in the painting has been caught by surprise. Time has slowed down between the ticking of the clock, another instant and we will hear what we are seeing. The viewer is drawn in very close to the subject emphasising the emotion. The angle we view from reinforces this sense of urgency as does the imposing storm clouds of the back ground"

From my private collection

Acrylic on canvas
H1.83m/72” x W126cm/48”


12 000 or $US

"Creating movement in an undefined spatial plain. In this case the background also needed to be as strong as the foreground image.  Viewing a slide show in your mind’s eye, the image caught will remain only for an instant. These images we remember always".

From my private collection

Oil and acrylic on canvas
H120cm/40” x W100cm/31”
Framed H120cm/50” x W100cm/38”


10 000 or $US







Oil and acrylic on canvas
H120cm/40” x W90cm
Frame H144cm x W115cm

15 000 or $US

"As in a lot of my work l try to impose an element of grand emptiness and space.  In this case I wanted to add an extra feeling of melancholy, these two elements double to give a very powerful emotion. The clock is a metaphor for the past and the future".


‘Seeds of Regret’

Oil and acrylic on canvas
H105cm/42” x W84cm/33”


€5000 or $US


"Do we determine our own future, or is society
dictating what we do, how we think and act.
What appears is not what it seems".

‘False Modesty’

Oil and acrylic on canvas
H120cm/50” x W60cm/25”


€3500 or $US


"I fade to grey.
I am monotone yet I exist.
I am still here".

‘Shades of Grey’

Oil on canvas
H94cm/37” x W125cm/52”


€2500 or $US


"Experimenting with the basic principle of the human form positioned in a vacant expanse of a monotone background, taken to its basic shapes the clear tones are unencumbered by the technicality and complexity that colour sometimes brings".

‘Figure in Landscape’

Silver Acrylic on canvas
H50cm/20” x 95cm/38”


€1500 or $US

"The bathing cap gives it away".


‘The Bather’

Acrylic on canvas
H120cm/48” x W45cm/17”


€1500 or $US






‘Bronze Study’
Oil on
textured paper
H116cm/45” x W66cm/30”

€2000 or $US

"This image from my private collection was completed prior to the series of paintings that feature sculptural type figures. Continuing to develop my skill in drawing the human figure I was interested to try to simplify the tonal aspect. Sculpture, has always fascinated me, the way sculptors render the human form which is a flexible moving object by representing it in stone, clay or metal creates a series of compromises an artist has to decide on to complete the work. The image was chosen to represent fairly closely the mediums the sculptures were completed in, bronze.  Once I was comfortable with the process I used this as a base when developing my paintings".



'Sonata Adagio'

Graphite on cartridge paper

W69 cm x H102cm Framed

€3000 or $US



'Sonata Prestissimo'

Graphite on cartridge paper

W69 cm x H102cm Framed

€3000 or $US




'Sonata Verismo'

Graphite on cartridge paper

W69 cm x H102cm Framed

€3000 or $US









"When I was young I dreamt
I was a great inventor
who saved the world

Adolescent Dreamer 5
‘Young Inventor’
Mixed media on paper
H77 x W66 cm


€1500 or $US


"I don’t care what she does
I’m not going any further".

Adolescent Dreamer 7
‘The Chase’
Mixed media on paper
H76 x W66 cm


€1500 or $US


"Swimming was not a natural progression
for me
far too many variables to cope with".

Adolescent Dreamer 9
‘The Swimming Lesson’
Mixed media on paper
H68 x W74 cm


€1500 or $US



"I found a girlie magazine ‘Beach Girls Special’,
I’m off to the beach".

Adolescent Dreamer 11
‘Off to the Beach’
Mixed media on paper
H69 x W75 cm


€1500 or $US


Adolescent Dreamer 3
'I Mow the Lawn'
Mixed media on paper

H 114cm x W 92cm

2500 or $US




3 Femme Fatale
'The Stare'

Mixed media on paper

W47cm x H57cm Framed

1200 or $US




5 Femme Fatale

Mixed media on paper

W47cm x H57cm Framed

1200 or $US


6 Femme Fatale

Mixed media on paper

W47cm x H57cm Framed

1200 or $US


7 Femme Fatale 'Confidence'

Mixed media on paper

W47cm x H57cm Framed

1200 or $US




9 Femme Fatale

Mixed media on paper

W47cm x H57cm Framed

1200 or $US




11 Femme Fatale
'The Guardians'

Mixed media on paper

W47cm x H57cm Framed

1200 or $US






16 Femme Fatale

Mixed media on paper

W54cm x H74cm Framed

2900 or $US









The Inner Self

These works present as very sophisticated and polished. 
I'm impressed, but not surprised as my expectations of your work, as you know, are quite high.  I love the complexity of imagery and the way you draw the viewer into an unexplainable dream world of another place and time.  There is real depth to this work. 
Utterly outstanding!! 
Carl Wagner Art Critic Melbourne Australia


The Inner Self 4

Pastel and Conte hand tinted prints
W33cm x H43cm Framed

600 or $US


The Inner Self 9

Pastel and Conte hand tinted prints
W33cm x H43cm Framed

600 or $US


The Inner Self 10

Pastel and Conte hand tinted prints
W33cm x H43cm Framed

600 or $US

Indifferent Landscape 1


W58cm x H77cm Framed


€400 or $US


Indifferent Landscape 4


W77cm x H58cm Framed


€400 or $US


Indifferent Landscape 5


W58cm x H77cm Framed


€400 or $US

Indifferent Landscape 6


W58cm x H77cm Framed


€400 or $US

Indifferent Landscape 7


W77cm x H58cm Framed


€400 or $US